Hey guys! We've been really busy lately making dudes--unfortunately, we've been making them all at once, so there are no updates as of right now. Next week there will probably be more finished dudes to show off than I know what to do with, but right now I'm bone dry.
So I thought I would talk to you guys today about something very important: my wardrobe. I'm in need of new shirts, and with a buttload of freezer paper and an artistic boyfriend with a lot of time on his hands ready to draw and cut out pictures, I've been researching some nerdy shirts that I would like to own. There are a couple of great freezer paper tutorials
here and
here if anyone is interested in making their own. It's pretty easy, and really fun.
I know it's kind of a desperate way to parade your hobbies, but it's always a nice way to start a conversation with someone who is a fan of something you are. For instance, I know that the host at my Chili's likes Star Wars, because he commented on my shirt once. It's nice just to know there are other nerds out there. Onward and upward!

A Planet Express shirt. I'm not a fan of pink, but I love the Planet Express logo and so this one is a must-have. I like shirts that are kind of subtle (i.e. no characters spouting off quotes, or something equally stupid like "I see stupid people" or something like that) and I think this one is nice enough not to make the uninitiated (few though they may be, Futurama reruns are on all the time) confused or stare at my chest.

Blue Sun is a given. I've actually got the freezer paper stencil cut out, I just need to buy a shirt to stencil it on to. Again, it's a nice eye pleasing design that the uninitiated (probably very few, in this case) won't know that's it's a reference to a show.

Classic Zelda shirt. I might feel like a poser in this though, since I've only played Wind Waker. Even worse than that, I have tried to play the other ones (except Twilight Princess, which I might get around to eventually, after I finish Okami for the billionth time) and I don't like them. JUMP LINK, JUMP! Why doesn't Link jump? I'm sorry, I can't play a game where I can't make my avatar jump. I know, it's pathetic. Anyway.

I like this shirt, I would just never wear it because I don't want to draw the comparisons between me and a Wookie. I just wanted to post it because I thought it was cute and clever, and a 6 foot tall guy might be reading this and decide that it would be a good look for him.
Anyway, that's all the ideas I had for now. If anyone owns any shirts in this vein, or sees any other really cute ones, feel free to leave a comment!
Also, we have just started a BIG custom order. It's going to be the original Star Trek cast. I won't say any more than that, but it is going to be ROCKIN. It will probably take me forever and a day to make everyone, but I'm going to do it! You guys will die when you see it (if you are Star Trek fans, that is. If you're not, they'll still be cute!) Stay tuned!