Hello everyone! I just wanted to update you--I'm not dead. Just lazy. Or maybe I should say I'm just uninspired. I'm just not as excited about our little dudes as I used to be, and my
sculpey-maker boyfriend is even less so, which has been leading to some very unproductive weeks. So we have both decided that it was time to close our
etsy shop. Now, this doesn't mean that we will stop making them altogether--we're just unable to create the volume that is needed to run a store.
Anyway, I'm hoping that this means that I can concentrate on making patterns for more characters (the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars patterns are still, and will continue to be, available), so if anyone has any suggestions, or really wants to know how we do something, please feel free to leave a comment and I'll see if I can't work something out.
So since we haven't been working on our dudes, wanna see what we have been working on? It's a little different and not our usual geeky fare, but I thought I'd see what everyone thinks about it.

Presenting: A portrait of Fernando
de la Ronda, the Prince of
Isla de los Estados. His marriage to Elizabeth of the Byrd family was arranged by Elizabeth's brother, King Arthur IV. The King arranged this marriage to establish a fishing treaty between the King penguins and the Macaroni penguins. Elizabeth detested this match, and historians believe that her dislike stemmed from multiple reasons, one being that the match was forced on her while she was in love with another penguin of her own species, while other historians
argue that she could not respect or love a husband who was a good foot shorter than her. Fernando was oblivious to her dislike, however, and they had three children: Eduardo, Isabella and
Fermina. Curiously, Isabella was born without the yellow feathers that Macaroni penguins are known for and that adorned the heads of her brother and sister, however, this was attributed to the fact that King and Macaroni penguin breeding genetics were not fully understood and not to any rumors that were circulating at the time about Elizabeth. Fernando lived a wholly oblivious and happy life with his family in his home town of
Isla de los Estados.
Do you guys like? I think the portrait is just adorable. I made up a whole family tree for the rulers of Byrd, it's just a blast writing these little histories for everyone. Anyway, let me know what you guys think! And stay tuned, more stuff on the way!