All right everyone, time for our newest creations! Behold:

It's the Prince and Farah from the Sands of Time game. Aren't they adorable? I think they both turned out really well for being mostly half naked.

I do like the Prince. I always thought it was really funny how he always seemed to lose an article of clothing throughout the game. We were going to make him fully clothed, but he doesn't really look like himself when he has all those clothes on, you know? I like that he doesn't have any froufy head scarves, either, like in the newest game. He was kind of annoying.

Anyway, this prince has his dagger of time and two swords. He can only wear one at a time, but it never hurts to have extras lying around.

And here is little Farah. Those white poofy things on her left side are the feathers of her arrows. She has a quiver hanging off of her belt. This picture doesn't show it too well, but she has lots of dangly gold chains around her too. I really like the way her top came out, it's just two different colors of felt but I think it actually looks really drapey and natural looking, it hardly looks like felt at all. I think her earrings are adorable.
Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments! Stay tuned for more really cool stuff coming up soon.