I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dinosaur at the bottom of the page. He totally cracks me up every time I look at him. I can't decide if he is like "AHHHHH F$#^ GUYS THERE'S A F#$^@#$( HUGE METEOR COMING GET IN THE ARK" or if he's more of the party type, and like "HEY TASTY ZEBRAS, PARTY ON THE ARK! CALL ME BITCHES!" And the dino in the back is totally skipping towards him (very flamboyantly, I might add) because either way you know there's some serious stuff going down on the ark later on. I didn't scan the back of the book but there are a bunch of people running around in a corn field and also a water buffalo for some reason.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with everyone these pictures because I think you all know I like crazy pictures that crack me up. Anyway, stay tuned for real news coming soon. Probably.
PS-Sorry about the swearing up there. It just felt like something that crazy dino would yell. And yes, he has to yell everything.
That's actually pretty freakin' hilarious :D
Those are Sudanese melons! I swear - look here:
Sorry - I dug there 2 seasons and saw the melons EVERYWHERE and when I saw this post, I immediately started yelling "Sudani melons" - fortunately I wasn't in public...
Cool! It looks like they don't taste good though, I wonder why that T-Rex was going at it like his life depended on it? Anyway, it's nice to know that some of the stuff in that book is completely crazy.
Wow, I'm jealous that you get to own this hilariously awesome book. The melons remind me of the melons in yoshi's story.
Oh lady, you make my day.
that is freaking awesome!!
Okay, I only reserve the following to things I find TRULY hilarious. And you, my fellow fiber fiend...you are hilarious:
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