Apparently, most Stormtroopers spend their off hours drinking and carousing. But I mean, wouldn't you? They have to wear uncomfortable looking armor all day, they can't shoot worth crap and they all look alike. I bet the ladies don't find that too exciting.
Anyway, this post does have a point! Check out these awesome flickr sets I found. They are very much in the feeling of
ATilla the household ATAT, which for some incomprehensible reason (most likely I'm just really easily amused) I think are the funniest things on the planet.
First off,
The Adventures of TK-027.

Stormtroopers also apparently like giant vats of syrup and huge pancakes (in addition the the liquor).

Two stormies run into an accident while playing with Darth Vader's lightsaber.
And the other set,
Stomin Stormtroopers. This flickr set has an insanely huge number of pictures (like almost 11 pages) and all of the pictures are hilarious, but here are some of my favorite.

Dancing the night away at a New Year's Party (those two in the back may be getting too close)

Standing around the water cooler, discussing how much the new Star Wars movies suck.

Vader trying to take a picture of his drunken and disorderly crew. That one in the front had way too many beers though.
one last one, with raptors!

Ahahahahahahahah! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed these. I think they are hilarious. Stay tuned!
Love the stormtrooper pics! My DS loves the Lego Star Wars stuff on YouTube - we specially love this one
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