I was so totally going to make this! No fair! Someone must have been reading my mind or something.

But mine was going to say "a second location" not "the second location", so it's totally different. And if you don't recognize the quote, it's from 30 Rock. And if you haven't seen it you should probably go watch it right now, it's awesome. This quote was from an episode with Carrie Fisher. And they totally made a Star Wars reference--and what's more, Carrie Fisher helped. And not just in that episode! In almost every episode. Also, I was reading a book the other day (maybe it was House of Mirth? I don't remember) and this one character's name was Carrie Fisher and they always referred to her by her first and last name, every single time. It was really creepy. Anyway, here's another person who stole another one of my awesome ideas:

One of Tracy Jordan's pearls of wisdom. Being shark week, I thought it was appropriate. At least no one took my last idea from 30 Rock...no way I'm going to tell you guys what it is though. It's going to be awesome though. You guys just wait.

Obligatory Firefly craft.

I just loved this little project! It's so cool, because you can change the picture of the bear every week! Or maybe, if your cats keep throwing up on your carpet, you can even put a picture of your cat in there.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah! We should have some new dudes coming up for you guys soon--and also some reworked old characters who needed a facelift. Hopefully they will be done soon! Stay tuned!
Ha ha, 30 Rock cross stitches are funny! Good finds.
I <3 Shark Week!
Oh my god, that's great! I should do one that says, "Medicine is not a science."
The threat down is full of so much win. I don't even cross stitch and I want to make it.
wow ! what a blog
wow ! what a blog
Grreat reading your post
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