I said ALMOST. Don't freak out, parents and/or boyfriend, if you are reading this. I just love this little costume. Also, do you think it is child abuse if you just have a child to dress them up in cute little cosplay clothes? I think that using a monkey might work too. They like wearing clothes, right? What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Check out this too too cute adorable little baby outfit!

It's a tiny Link! Look how cute! I love the little belt. And the hat. Okay, I love everything about it. How adorable!!

The quiver, complete with arrows--I mean, baby bottle. They should have made it look like a lon lon milk bottle, but whatever. I guess you can't give arrows to babies, or something. Who knows. I thought babies loved playing with pointy sticks!

And this is the chest that all of those little tiny adorable clothes came in. Note: baby not included in the chest. We hope not, anyway.
Anyway, this was made by a
craftster user for a friend's baby. What a cute gift! I love it. Maybe the cats want to play dress up...I'll let you know how that goes...
Stay tuned!
Oh my! I want it! I guess I may need a baby first...
That is WAY cute! And I was wondering if my cat would wear that. I think I could bribe him with the milk bottle.
Oh man!!!! So cool!!! My kid would be the best dressed geek baby! How perfect for comicon!
I love your blog. And I have my own baby. I let you a link to my version of this made for this year´s carnival
It's really CUTE!! No photo of baby wearing this? Oh.... :(
wow ! what a blog
fantastic blog.
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