Ch 2: Visible Red Continuous Laser Gun
Ch 4: High-Power Pulsed Red Ruby Laser Gun
Ch 7: Pocket Pain Field Generator
Ch 14: Ion Ray Gun/High-Voltage Generator
Ch 16: Magnetic Field Distortion Detecto
Ch 27: Electronic Paralyzing Device

Isn't that crazy? Just when you thought you were safe from evil crazy scientists making space laser guns BAM! Here are some plans, right here in the open. Everything an evil scientist needs to begin taking over the world, bwa haha hahah! Okay, just kidding. I have no idea what this book is saying, it's all gibberish to me.
Anyway, I though you guys would appreciate some of this craziness. I wouldn't believe it was possible unless I saw it myself. Stay tuned!
Holy Moses! What's the publication date? My guess, ca. 1985...
Close! It's 1983. Do lasers really ever go out of style, though?
now result that you not only manufactured dolls, you made too replicas! excellent, please tell me that you are gonna make a light saber replica.
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