It's a miracle! Not only am I finally making a new post, we have a new dude to show off! AND we have a pattern for him! AND we have some finished amigurumi
up for sale in the shop! Wow, I feel kind of productive. Not that I haven't been busy--I have--I have just been doing non-nerdy things. It's time for me to get cracking on Christmas presents if I want to get them finished in time--not because they are complicated, but because I am very bad at actually finishing projects I start. I get distracted with new projects pretty easily.
Anyway--the new dude! Behold!

It's Obi-Wan Kenobi! And he's very cute, if I do say so myself. I think his little white beard may be my favorite part about him.

And without his jedi robes.

Here's the closeup of his little lightsaber. It's very tiny and very meticulously painted.

All together! So what do you guys think? I know it's nothing really out of this world, but I have been wanting to make an Obi-Wan to add to our little entourage. Now if we could just finish our Gandalf the White we will be all set on wise old dudes.
Anyway, if you want to pick up the pattern it will be available in the store by the end of the week--we just need to finish the lightsaber instructions and we'll be set. I am thinking about making another pattern pack available with Obi-Wan, but I am having some difficulty picking out which characters to make for it. I know I want Lando in there, but I was thinking about adding an alien or some sort. Any ideas? Suggestions? I was thinking maybe a Jawa, but maybe Greedo or someone like that would be fun too. Anyway, I'm still thinking about it, so it might be a while before a whole pack is ready.
Stay tuned!
He's AWESOME!!! The lightsaber is amazing. My son is drooling over the pic & wants him to be added to his collection immediately. :D
Totally a Jawa, and maybe a Sandperson.
Aww, a Jawa would be so cute!
SO CUTE! I would love to see a Jawa, too. Ooh, or an Ewok! I thought you would appreciate this.
My powers of DVD watching affect the Force...
Not really, but it's awesome to me especially since I just watched A New Hope yesterday XD
He's really awesome! I think you're right about the beard hehe...
I love the wizard guy in your profile picture. You should make those and sell them on Etsy or somesuch - I'd buy one!
Yeah, make a Jawa! That would be so cool!
I love the way Obi-Wan's lightsaber blade actually kind of looks like it's glowing. I can't think of anything not awesome about this little guy.
I'm so in love with that saber. I'm planning on a HUGE Star Wars project soon. I'm gonna make a crocheted Star Wars chess board as an eventual wedding present for my boyfriend. I was wondering if you would suggest Sculpey Clay as a good clay for those of us who have never worked with polymer clays?
Yep, Sculpey is what we always use. It is easy to use and bake. If you haven't used polymer clay before you may want to make some practice pieces--you should see the first pieces we made! They look terrible compared to what we can make now, although I guess that practice can improve any craft, not just sculpey. Anyway, I'd love to see picture when you are done, it sounds like it is going to be amazing!
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