I hate April Fool's day. It's bad enough that idiots are running around thinking it's funny to put whoopee cushions on people's seats (or whatever it is people do for April Fool's day) but major corporations always have to get involved. They will announce something so totally awesome, something that everyone has been waiting for, and then it will turn out to be a prank. Last year I think it was the Zelda trailer that looked absolutely real, and so many people were excited about it and it turned out to be fan made. I'm sure a FFVII port was announced on April Fool's day too (even though I don't really care about that, I'm sure some people would have been mad). Not cool.
check out this awesome new product ThinkGeek revealed today.

It's a freaking tauntaun sleeping bag. Yeah. How cute is that? Take a close look at the inside of the sleeping bag--it looks like intestines. And the zipper pull? Yeah, it's a tiny lightsaber. So you can use a freaking lightsaber to open your tauntaun before you sleep in it. And the head doubles as a pillow. And look at his tail! So cute.

Now I wasn't thinking about April Fool's day when I was looking at this, because I'm not five and because I assumed I was browsing the items of a competent, respectable and well established website. Long story short, I was getting ready to shell out $40 for a sleeping bag that is made for 7-13 year olds and comes up to my neck that I could never use, only to find out that it is a fake. Well screw you ThinkGeek! You don't want my money, that's fine. Of course, now I'm going to have to shell out considerably more to make it myself--because I am most definitely going to make it myself--but I would have rather given money to someone else to make it for me. Well, it's a good thing you don't like money, ThinkGeek. You can go back to selling your crappy "I heart Geeks" T-shirts now, you piece of crap. Blargh.
PS--I really am mad about this, because I really didn't want to make it myself. Of course mine is going to look a lot nicer and it's actually going to fit an adult size person, but this is possibly the most awesome thing I've ever seen and I'm mad that I have to go hunt around for tauntaun-looking fabric and intestine fabric. Blargh.
UPDATE: All right, commenter Heather has just informed me that ThinkGeek has announced that they are actually going to make this thing, so I am slightly less angry at them. They just have to get approval from Lucas first (yeah right). Now I just have to decide if I want to go ahead and make it anyway or if I am too lazy. Perhaps my spitefulness will win out over laziness, who knows.
They updated the page to say that they've had such an overwhelming response to it that they are actually going to pursue making it for real!! So yay!!
I'm just wondering if the searches for "intestine fabric" are going to be listed any where since so many of us are trying to make our own!
Last year (or some year) they had a sweet 8-bit tie for an April fool's joke... needless to say my husband now has one in his regular wardrobe. These things start out as a joke, but take heart!
(OMG I'm so getting one of those sleeping bags. Sweeeeeeet!)
One of ThinkGeek's April Fools jokes has been turned into a real product each year for the last three years. With Lucasfilm licensing issues involved, this one might be a little tougher, but I wouldn't be surprised if the TG folks actually pull it off.
I was going to mention the 8-bit tie, too. I love the Think Geek April Fool's jokes. :)
I'm in the same boat as you...except the evil prank played on me this year had to do with Tomb Raider Underworld for PS2....why did they freakin' bother if they were just going to remove all the good stuff??? I'm miffed...in other news, I'll share with you my latest crochet fun with the xfiles...when it's done. Partially inspired by the work you do. Your blog has definitely helped me! So thanks for that. Stay tuned!
I'd totally make you one! If my bloody sewing machine ever makes it out of Memphis, that is *grumble*
I just emailed ThinkGeek asking where they got the fabric but they don't know. Anyone been able to find it? Jake, we're on a mission from God.
@Gribbulious, yeah, I couldn't find it either. I think the best option (note: not necessarily cheap) would be to print it yourself through something like http://www.spoonflower.com. That's all I can think of, either that or quilting it on yourself. That would be very time intensive, though!
http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/plush/bb2e/ They are actually selling the sleeping bag now. And it fits adults
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