Okay, okay, I know everyone is probably tired of seeing all this cross stitch stuff, but I thought these were too cute. They were made by
flickr user Krupp, and she has a lot of really cute stuff. Check it out!

Aww, little artoo expresses his love in beeps and boops. And hearts. I love how simple this piece is.

I really like the way this one is set up. It's not a straight on design, but it's kind of mixed up. I think it makes it look really neat. Plus the lightsaber is nice looking.

More Yoda sayings.

Okay, this one isn't Star Wars, but it's Hitchhiker's Guide, and that's awesome too! I love that she made a clock out of it! I so want to make one of these for work, but I doubt anyone would care.
Anyway, I thought these were really nice, so I wanted to show them off. You can check out her flickr page for more (including some Doctor Who stuff). I hope everyone had a nice Easter! I had to work, but at least it wasn't very busy, so that's something, I guess. Stay tuned for more stuff coming soon!
So email me please, and let me know how much you would charge me for a couple of those graphs. I live in my own geek-mom-world, with my geek-husband and the geek kiddo in training.
Oh, I didn't make these, and I'm not sure if the person who did is selling the patterns. Cross stitch is really easy though, and there are tons of places online to get free patterns. Here are some free alphabet patterns:
And here's a place to turn any picture into a cross stitch graph chart:
I hope that helps!
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