First off, a comic book about Tesla and his (best?) friend Mark Twain. No, seriously, they were friends in real life. How cool is that? It's called the Five Fists Of Science
Next up, these really swanky posters from Meganlee over on Etsy.
Tesla here is part of a set of scientists, and if they dark color isn't doing it for you, here's a really bright version.
I think I like the darker ones better though, although it's hard for me not to like something as bright as that. I tend to have that problem.Next, check out these amazing lamps from VictorianMachines on Etsy.
I would buy these in a second if they weren't so expensive. Still, it looks like a lot of complicated work went into them, and I'm sure they're worth it...but the DIYer in me just screams at those prices. I helped re-wire my entire house, surely something like this would be doable, right?
Anyway, if you have never read about Tesla's works, you really should read
Stay tuned!
(oh, and Edison is such a jerk)
Are you aware of the recent Eight in Eight project by Amanda Palmer, Ben Folds, Damian Kulash and Neil Gaiman? One of the songs they wrote was all about Tesla -
Thanks for sharing my Rock Star Scientists prints! I have a whole new set available so there are 10 different scientist to choose from now :)
Have a great weekend!
- Megan Lee
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